
Each year, the Gary L. McDowell Institute hosts a prominent leader to serve as Practitioner-in-Residence. Practitioners-in-Residence are chosen based on their professional experience and potential to help advance the values and principles of the Institute. Over the course of a year, the Practitioner-in-Residence interacts with students in formal and informal settings and plays an active role in the life of the Institute. The residency typically includes opportunities and events, such as advising students on post-graduate opportunities, leading a faculty workshop, conducting sessions with McDowell Institute Student Fellows, visiting classes, and giving a public lecture. Read about Greg Lukianoff's visit to campus in February 2025.

2025 Practitioner-in-Residence

Greg Lukianoff
President and CEO
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)

Mr. Lukianoff will return to campus for a public lecture on
Tuesday, November 18, 2025.