Through her honors research, senior Ella Hayes unpacks how rhetoric drives political campaigns and public policy.
Honors in Leadership Studies
The Jepson School faculty offers a track by which students with a proven academic record of intellectual initiative and scholarly drive can earn honors in leadership studies. The faculty invites interested students to apply for the honors track. The deadline to express interest by reaching out to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ADAA) via email is October 1 of the student's junior year. To qualify, a student must be a leadership studies major, and hold at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA and at least a 3.50 leadership studies GPA.
After notifying the ADAA of their interest, a student must meet the following requirements to receive honors in leadership studies:
Enroll in LDST399 Junior Honors Tutorial, for spring semester of junior year.
Submit a five-page proposal and preliminary bibliography to be accepted by the course instructor and a Jepson faculty thesis advisor.
Enroll in LDST497 and LDST498, Senior Honors Thesis I and II, during senior year.
Successfully present one chapter, bibliography, and chapter-by-chapter outline of thesis to the student's committee by the last day of classes in the fall semester of senior year.
Successfully defend thesis before the student's committee by the last day of classes in the spring semester of senior year.
Complete undergraduate program with at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA and at least a 3.50 leadership studies GPA.
Students in the honors track must complete all aspects of the standard Jepson curriculum. LDST497 and LDST498, can count for a maximum of one unit of advanced course credit.
Through her honors research, senior Ella Hayes unpacks how rhetoric drives political campaigns and public policy.
Senior Cameron Peterson taps into his creativity and his leadership studies and music majors to design a video game.
Faculty mentors guide students in refining their research for publication.
Study abroad, internships, and an honors thesis fuel senior’s interest in public policy.