Academic Affairs Committee
- Consider and make recommendations to the full faculty concerning curriculum-related matters, including new courses, and requirements for the degree
- Approve applications for the honors program
- Oversee and select undergraduate research grant proposals for research
- Oversee and select the Jablin Award for Undergraduate Research
- Hear grade appeals and other student appeals
- Review faculty applications for funding to support enhanced classroom experiences and make recommendations to the dean
- Conduct initial evaluation of proposals for new programs
Membership: At least three faculty members, associate dean for academic affairs (chair), and one student
Revised by the Jepson School Faculty on September 13, 2017
Assessment Committee
- Implement assessment plan, review yearly assessment results and bring assessment report to the full faculty
- Recommend revisions to assessment plan to the full faculty
Membership: At least three faculty members, associate dean for student and external affairs (chair)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee
- Coordinate conversations among the Jepson School faculty, staff, and students with the goal of creating and sustaining a welcoming community
- Make recommendations that align with the aforementioned goal
- Conduct programming to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
- Identify and support programming elsewhere at the University that is DEIB-related
Membership: At least three faculty members
Revised by the Jepson School Faculty on October 20, 2023
Scholarship Committee
- Review faculty and student research proposals and make funding recommendations to dean
- Oversee and select Jablin Dissertation Awards
Membership: At least three faculty members
Revised by the Jepson School Faculty on September 13, 2017
Student Affairs Committee
- Recommend students to receive the James MacGregor Burns Award
- Oversee and select recipients for Jepson School scholarships, Burrus Fellowships, Jepson Summer Research Grants and Leadership Development Travel Grants
- Review applications to the Jepson School in accordance with admissions process and bring recommendations to the full faculty for approval
- Collaborate with Jepson Alumni Corps to design and implement programs for Jepson students
Membership: At least three faculty members and associate dean for student and external affairs (chair)
Revised by the Jepson School Faculty on April 8, 2020