Executive Board of Advisors
The Executive Board of Advisors (EBA) raises the visibility and profile of the Jepson School; actively assists in outreach opportunities to help the School develop contacts, working relationships, and networking opportunities; participates in regular and called meetings; and supports the School in a variety of other ways.
Selected from a broad range of organizations to reflect the School's diversity, EBA members are senior level leaders and decision makers. Members include nationally and internationally known practitioners and scholars of leadership, School alumni, parents of former Jepson students, leaders from organizations in the Greater Richmond area and beyond, and friends of the School and the University. EBA members are involved in the life of the School and participate in School events.
Nominations for EBA membership will be solicited each spring and referred to the Executive Committee. The slate of nominees set by the Executive Committee is submitted to the full EBA membership for an electronic vote prior to the first fall meeting.
Current EBA Members
Amy Amick, '94
Kelly Beeland, '96
Jessica Bigby, ’04
Arthur S. Brown, R’81, P’10, P’12
Debra Campbell, P’15
David Cramer, P’11, P’14
Greg Efthimiou, ’99
Tina Fiertz, P’17
Maurice Henderson, ’97
Gill Hickman
Mark Hickman, '07
Djordje Hinic, ’13
Susan Keller, '06
Aaron Lee, '00
Alison Smith Mangiero, ’05
Ivana Marshall, '17
W. Thomas Matthews
Richard L. Morrill
Patrick O'Keefe, '22
Luke Parsons, '10
Susan G. Quisenberry, W'65
Terry Heilman Sylvester, B’76, P'03, P'05, P'05, P'10
Lina Tori Jan, '20