Dr. Thad Williamson
Dr. Thad Williamson is professor of leadership studies and philosophy, politics, economics, and law (PPEL) and a civic activist. His research focuses on the intersection of theories of social justice and public policy, particularly as applied to urban politics and economic policy. In addition to his teaching and scholarship, he has made significant contributions to local policy and governance through his work for the city of Richmond during the past decade.
Following the November 2024 municipal elections, Williamson served as transition director for Richmond Mayor-elect Dr. Danny Avula. In January 2025, Mayor Avula appointed him senior policy strategist, a position in which he serves part-time while continuing to teach at the University of Richmond.
Williamson and University colleagues Drs. Julian Hayter and Amy Howard co-authored The Making of 21st Century Richmond: Politics, Policy & Governance, 1988-2016, published in 2024. Currently, Williamson is engaged in a long-term research project concerning democracy and inequality in the United States, focusing on the promise of community wealth building. The first major publication to come out of this project was the 2020 book he co-edited with Melody C. Barnes and Corey D.B. Walker, Community Wealth Building and the Reconstruction of American Democracy: Can We Make American Democracy Work?
As the first director of the city of Richmond’s Office of Community Wealth Building (OCWB) from 2014–16, Williamson led the effort to implement a comprehensive poverty reduction initiative encompassing education, employment, housing, and transportation. From 2017-2018, he served as a senior policy advisor for Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and led the development of the RVA Education Compact. The Richmond City Council appointed him chair of the City Charter Review Commission in 2022. He currently serves on the boards of the Richmond Public Schools Education Foundation and the Richmond Health Equity Fund.
Williamson has received multiple awards at the University of Richmond, including the University’s Distinguished Educator Award in 2012. He served as president of the University Faculty Senate during the 2020-21 academic year.
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Contribution to the Institution Award, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement, University of Richmond, 2021
LGBTQIA Faculty Ally of the Year, Lavender Graduation Committee, University of Richmond, 2020
Servant Leader Award, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, 2019
Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond, 2012
Selected Publications
Williamson, Thad, Julian Maxwell Hayter, and Amy L. Howard. The Making of Twenty-First-Century Richmond: Politics, Policy, and Governance, 1988-2016. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2024.
Community Wealth Building and the Reconstruction of American Democracy: Can We Make American Democracy Work? co-edited with Melody C. Barnes and Corey D. B. Walker (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2020).
Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond, co-edited with Martin O'Neill (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
Leadership and Global Justice, co-edited with Douglas Hicks (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).
Sprawl, Justice, and Citizenship: The Civic Costs of the American Way of Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).
Making a Place for Community: Local Democracy in a Global Era, co-authored with David Imbroscio and Gar Alperovitz (New York: Routledge Press, 2002).
Journal ArticlesWilliamson, Thad. (December 2023). "A General Model of Good Executive Leadership in Policy Contexts." Interdisciplinary Journal of Leadership Studies, 2: 54-63.
“Who Owns What? An Egalitarian Interpretation of John Rawls’s Idea of a Property-Owning Democracy.” Journal of Social Philosophy 40 (2009): 434-453.
“The Good Society and the Good Soul: Plato’s Republic on Leadership.” Leadership Quarterly 19 (2008): 397-408.
“Sprawl, Spatial Location, and Politics.” American Politics Research 36 (2008): 903-933.
“Local Policy Responses to Globalization: Place-based Ownership Models of Economic Enterprise,” Policy Studies Journal 31 (2003): 231-252.
Book ChaptersWilliamson, Thad. "Economic Justice." In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies, edited by George R. Goethals, Scott T. Allison, and Georgia J. Sorenson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2023.
Williamson, Thad. "Property-Owning Democracy." In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies, edited by George R. Goethals, Scott T. Allison, and Georgia J. Sorenson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2023.
Williamson, Thad. “Community Wealth Building.” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies, edited by George R. Goethals, Scott T. Allison, and Georgia J. Sorenson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2023.
"Becoming the American community we should be--but have never been" with Melody C. Barnes. In "Community Wealth Building and the Reconstruction of American Democracy: Can We Make American Democracy Work?" Edited by Melody C. Barnes, Corey D. B. Walker, and Thad Williamson (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2020).
“Beyond Sprawl and Anti-Sprawl.” In Jonathan Davies and David Imbroscio, eds. Critical Urban Studies: New Directions. (New York: SUNY Press, 2010).
“Leadership and Political Traditions, I: Conservatism, Liberalism, and Civic Republicanism.” In Richard Couto, ed. Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2010).
“The Challenge of Urban Sprawl.” With David Imbroscio and Gar Alperovitz. In Nancy Kleniewski, ed. Cities and Society. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005).
ReviewsWilliamson, Thad. "Democracy in the Real World." Boston Review (Dec. 7, 2023).
Williamson, Thad. (Online Dec. 23, 2022). "The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Get it Back, by Donald Cohen and Allen Mikaelian," Journal of Urban Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1080/07352166.2022.2141556.
In the News
RVA's got baggage (RVA's Got Issues podcast/VPM)
Wed., Feb. 12, 2025How one city cut its poverty rate by more than a third (Governing)
Fri., Dec. 20, 2024Michael Paul Williams column: Can our doctor mayor heal what ails Richmond (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Thu., Nov. 7, 2024Michael Paul Williams column: In Richmond, Black political power has limits (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., Aug. 31, 2024New ballpark? Unless poverty becomes our top priority, RVA will keep on losing (Richmond-Times Dispatch)
Sun., May. 12, 2024Applying theories of justice to the real world (The Caravel, Georgetown University)
Mon., Apr. 15, 2024Democracy in the Real World (The Boston Review)
Thu., Dec. 7, 2023City's Charter Review Commission releases report (VPM)
Tue., Aug. 8, 2023City's Charter Review Commission releases report (Richmond Free Press)
Thu., Aug. 10, 2023Richmond considers government shift that may limit a mayor's power (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., May. 20, 2023Williams: Will a cashless flying squirrels venue be a homerun or an error? (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Feb. 28, 2023MLK's legacy guides Richmond's Office of Community Wealth Building (VPM)
Mon., Jan. 16, 2023One for one: Before redeveloping public housing, the city must ensure the alternative is affordable (Richmond Magazine)
Tue., Nov. 29, 2022A force for change: Colleagues and collaborators remember John V. Moeser (Richmond Magazine)
Wed., Oct. 19, 2022Williams: John V. Moeser, a scholar and a gentleman, pushed for a more inclusive and equitable Richmond region (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Oct. 18, 2022Where the Richmond School Board and Jason Kamras are concerned, now is no time for a divorce (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Tue., Aug. 23, 2022Creighton Court demolition met with mixed feelings (VPM)
Thu., Aug. 4, 2022A bridge to somewhere: Gentrification concerns cloud an ambitious plan to reconnect Jackson Ward (Richmond Magazine)
Mon., Jun. 6, 2022End of state relief program stokes fears of eviction crisis (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sat., May. 7, 2022Educators, advocates demand city intervention as 900 face prospect of eviction from public housing (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sun., Jan. 9, 2022Garrett Sawyer and Thad Williamson column: City Council should use the ARP to build community health and wealth in Richmond (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Sun., Sep. 12, 2021The Daily Newscast: The removal of the city of Richmond's Robert E. Lee monument (VPM)
Thu., Sep. 9, 2021A Salute to Mr. Williams (Style Weekly)
Fri., Jun. 18, 2021Richmond Public Schools: Keep Kamras (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Jan. 25, 2021Opinion: Come together: The nonpartisan Richmond Together forms to hold elected officials and ourselves accountable (Style Weekly)
Tue., Sep. 29, 2020Voices: The new Richmond busy being born (The Cheats Movement)
Sun., Jul. 19, 2020'Dramatic change will require leadership': A message to the next generation of leaders (Diverse Issues in Higher Education)
Tue., Jul. 7, 2020Opinion: Pulling together (Style Weekly)
Thu., Apr. 23, 2020Corey D.B. Walker and Thad Williamson column: Economic development after Navy Hill -- embrace democracy (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Mon., Feb. 17, 20205th District candidate Thad Williamson talks to VPM News (VPM)
Thu., Sep. 26, 2019Opinion: Moving forward: The Fox-Cary school pairing proposal is what our children need and deserveĀ (Style Weekly)
Tue., Aug. 13, 2019U Of R professor is first potential candidate for Richmond City Council seat (NPR - WCVE)
Tue., May. 7, 2019Thad Williamson column: On the road to organizational improvement (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Wed., Apr. 24, 2019Opinion: A response to an opinion piece criticizing Mayor Stoney's budget argues that city spending is not vastly disproportionate and we need to make hard choices (Style Weekly)
Tue., Mar. 19, 2019Mayor Levar M. Stoney Announces Administration Appointments
Fri., Jan. 20, 2017Opinion: Three Life Lessons You May Not Expect From Bob Dylan
Tue., Oct. 25, 2016Williamson Column: Mayoral Campaign
Mon., Aug. 29, 2016Field Notes: Stoney's Education Platform
Wed., Aug. 10, 2016How Did We End Up Here? (Richmond Magazine)
Thu., Jul. 28, 2016Opinion: Why Tim Kaine is a Smart - and Progressive - Pick for Vice President (In These Times)
Wed., Jul. 27, 2016Opinion: For VP, Kaine a bold choice (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Mon., Jul. 25, 2016 - Links